Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Journey Lens - take five

My greetings to you from the warm Namibian sun!
So here it is everyone. Thank you for being patient with me. I have finally posted some pictures of the trip to the village of Epukiro (Omauewozonjanda) that I took quite a few weeks back. My roommate Candace and I joined with a few other missionaries and the Campus Crusade for Christ team for Namibia to accompany a local Pastor and his family back to his home village. He and his wife are feeling led to go back and minister there full-time and will be leaving to do so in December.

Throughout the weekend a prayer walk was held in the village, we visited and chatted with people, the Jesus Film was shown in the Herero language with about 200 in attendace, and a church service was held on the Sunday morning. Our time there was simply wonderful. I was privileged to meet many great people, see a little bit of life in the village, and witness a few people decide to leave their past lives and follow the one true God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you all so very much for your prayers. Please continue to pray for this village and for the work the Lord has started there. 
I hope you enjoy the pictures! 

The road to Omauewozonjanda. We happened to have taken a wrong road, and so increased the length of the journey,  but despite this fact, it is during long drives such as this one that I realize just how BIG Namibia really is.

I may have missed seeing a family of giraffes on the side of the road, but I did get to see my very first donkey cart.
We had the privilege of meeting and spending time with Pastor Spencer's family.
I loved watching this lady cook. I so wish I had her skills!
Pastor took us to see his father's cattle. This was the gate for the sheep and goats I believe.
Dad, this picture is for you and Frankie. No fencing needed, they bush enclosures with branches. I wonder how this would go over in Skinner's Pond.
Candace with the cattle inside the bushed enclosure.
A baby we met in the village. She seemed to be kind of afraid of us. She may not have seen white people before.
After giving her a sucker she seemed to think that we might not be quite so bad.
A group shot with Pastor's family.
Setting up the screen to project the Jesus Film on.
The projector man Ivan and a crew of curious boys from the village.
Some of the San (Bushmen) children that came to watch.
Though communication was not easy in this community, the little boy in the front and I played catch with the ball in his hand. We had a lovely time. Words were not needed.

At the church service the next morning, these are two of the boys who came and committed their lives to following the Lord Jesus. I had the great privilege of praying with them. As you can see, clothing was also brought for the people of the village. Everyone found some much-needed new pieces of clothing.


  1. Heather,
    Thank you for all your beautiful pictures and insights into life in Africa, for you and for the people whose lives you are touching. Praying for you and your students!
    Love lots,

  2. Monkeys eh? I only posted one picture. It was of the monkey who went into our fridge and ate both a banana and an apple. My Harnas pictures are in another post:
