Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Journey Lens - take seven

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, 
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

With only one week of school remaining, I thought I would post some more pictures of the students I work with at FHS. These children have captured my heart, they have taught me so much, and I give many thanks to God for this tremendous gift to work with them. God has used them to open my eyes, to alter my perspectives, to challenge my dependence on Him, to enlarge my heart, and to break it. I have grown to love these children more than I even knew was possible. Despite all the ups and downs, rewarding times and challenging ones, serving the Lord in Namibia is a great privilege.

I hope you enjoy seeing the faces which bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart each day.    

Tangeni is one of my grade 5 students. This is he and I in the classroom.

Charmain and Asser

Charity showing off her artwork.
 For a couple months now, Candace and I have been wanting to show The Jesus Film, a movie on the life of Jesus, to the students at the school. The Namibian sector of Campus Crusade for Christ jumped on board and made this possible. Two Fridays ago we showed the film in both the morning and the afternoon for our different students. When Jesus first appeared on the screen, my heart was so blessed to see and hear the excitement of the students "Teacher, that is Jesus!" "Oh Teacher, look, it is Him!". 

The following Monday, I read from Luke 23 and 24 with my class about the death and resurrection of Jesus. The students talked about what they remembered from the film ( in amazing detail!) and started asking some really great questions such as "Why did God choose Jesus?", "What did God leave behind on the Earth after Jesus died?", "Does God really live in us?". We talked about how Jesus is one with God, that He existed even before He was born as a person on Earth, and that He was perfect, and therefore the only one who could serve as a sacrifice for our wrongdoings. The students learned what the word 'sacrifice' means, and we talked about how, just like God had to give up something very difficult, the life of His Son, we also sometimes have to give up things for God and make sacrifices for Him.We talked about God's promise to leave us a helper here on Earth after Jesus died; that helper being the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is who God left behind, and God lives in us through His Spirit if we ask for forgiveness and make a decision to live our lives for Jesus. It was so encouraging to to have such a wonderful discussion with my students. We had a lovely morning together.   
Watching the Jesus Film

Making soap -  not a clean process, but certainly a lot of fun. 

Lisetha ( one of my grade 4 students) working away.

This little boy desperately wanted his photo taken. He is quite the little fellow.

The rains have arrived!!!  I have never seen the expression "When it rains, it pours" literally fulfilled so accurately.

Kaita doesn't so much like the rain.

This is Miss Emma. She is one of my precious grade 4 girls.

What happens when you give two twelve year old boys a glue stick and some felt?
You get two serious men...
...but only for a moment.
Sharing a laugh.

Making masks with teacher Candace.
Namibian pride.
Performing The Three Little Pigs. My class made the houses. I was most proud of their work!

Tuyenikelao (This is the student whose name I found the hardest to learn), learning the different colours in English, Oshiwambo, Afrikaans, Damara, and because four languages is simply not enough, the students requested French also. 

When I first began telling people I was going to Namibia, the number one question I was always asked was "Where is Namibia?" Well friends, do not feel bad as I also had to share this information with my Nambian students. They were most excited to search to globe and find their country.

Here it is, we found it!

Naemi having a look around the world.
This is Theresia. We always have fun as we learn.

Tangeni - my little friend with the big smile.
Meet Ringo and Riwaldo. Two of the cutest and most mischievous brothers at the centre. 

Sometimes they are very serious.

Sometimes they are quiet.

Sometimes they are quite the opposite! (I have no idea what he is doing).

"Will she find me in here???"

Yes, yes I will. Finally caught the little rascal!

Thank you for taking the time to read. Thank you for taking the time to email words of encouragement. Thank you for taking the time to pray. I wish I could more accurately express the depths of my gratitude, but do know that you are a part of this ministry, of the Lord's work in Namibia, and I am most appreciative.   

Wishing you all a most fantastic day!
