Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Journey Lens - take four

Hello to all once again!

As promised long ago, here are some pictures of Katutura. This is the area where I spend most of my time as it's where FHS is located, and where all of my students live. Litterally translated, "Katutura" means - "We don't live here". It is a community formed as a result of the apartheid. Despite its not-so-appealing conditions, this is a place I have grown to love as its people are truly wonderful. 

Again, I hope you enjoy a peek at this Namibian journey. Thank you for being a part of God's work here in Namibia through your prayers and encouragement. 

As a part of Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, Katutura is constantly growing. Many people from rural parts of Namibia are moving here in an attempt to find work. With little education and a high unemployment rate, most do not succeed in finding employment.
Make-shift homes such as these are built throughout the hills and mountains.

There was a water pump just behind this house on the right. Getting water is a common task for most our students
Some of our students.
We celebrated  this little guy's 5th birthday at his home. This is Kaita.

We had a splendid afternoon celebrating with his family and friends.

Candace and her little friend.
Some of the homes around Kaita's place.
A kindergarten.
A Baptist church.
A soccer field.
There are many vendors on the streets.
This photo is taken right behind the school.
More shacks. They are literally everywhere.
The shacks seem to extend endlessly.


  1. Thank you for sharing just a glimpse of what you see.

  2. It's good to see a little bit of your every day experience, Heather. I can't wait to hear more about it! Oh, and Eleanor asked about you today and also called me 'Heather' once. :)
